RecyPET AG is part of the Veolia PET Germany GmbH corporate Group and, thanks to its many years of experience, is one of the leading companies in all areas of the PET recycling market in Europe. As part of Veolia Environnement, the world market leader for environmental services, the aim is to constantly develop new ideas – such as bottle-to-bottle recycling – to improve the condition of the environment and people’s quality of life.
Langfeldstraße 80
CH-8500 Frauenfeld
Tel.: +41 (0) 52 730 14 15
Fax: +41 (0) 52 730 14 16
Our products & processes
We produce high-quality PET recyclate in the form of granulated flakes. This material recovered from PET bottles is, for example, suitable for the production of drinks bottles and films that come into direct contact with food, for example. Among other things, the recyclate generated via the URRC process makes mass production of drinks bottles with high-performance injection-moulding machines possible.
Further informationen
RecyPET AG works closely with the PRS PET-Recycling Schweiz association. The following five shareholders hold a stake in RecyPET AG, with Veolia PET Germany GmbH being the main shareholder of RecyPET AG with 85.5%:
Veolia PET Germany GmbH, Müller Recycling AG, Serbeco S.A., Constantin Transport AG, Plastic-Tirecycling AG
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